Sporting Goods

In addition to the familiar challenges that most retail stores face, sporting goods retailers often straddle the line between neighborhood provider and big-box retailer. To provide the best service, they must be able to handle the challenge of specialty orders while maintaining the operational sophistication of some of their bigger, chain competitors. We can help you find the sweet spot!

Counterpoint Specialty Orders

Specialty Orders

  • Ability to capture the special order at the point of sale.
  • Accept and manage deposits.
  • Automatically generate purchase orders that can be sent to vendors.

Counterpoint Inventory

Inventory Control

  • Use vendor model numbers for inventory items, with the ability to renumber items when the subsequent year’s model is released.
  • Serial number tracking available for big ticket items such as golf carts, bicycles, and firearms.
  • Ability to track inventory movement and reduce or eliminate shrinkage and stock discrepancies.
  • On-the-fly data entry provides the ability to add information form anywhere in Counterpoint.

Counterpoint Customer Service

Customer Service

  • Build customer profiles.
  • Maintain shipping information.
  • Ability to track status and deposits on orders.
  • Provide gift cards and store credit with no transaction fees.
  • Create customer loyalty programs.

Counterpoint Reporting


  • Track trends with a six-week sales analysis.
  • Print activity reports for specific periods.
  • Daily exception reports aid in discovering price overrides, voids, etc.
  • Sales History reports allow the ability to view complete details of every sale.
  • Analyze item sales history to identify top selling and bottom selling items.



  • Automated purchasing calculates current stock levels and automatically creates purchase orders.
  • Ability to interface accounting package with Counterpoint.



  • Fast, easy to use and learn. Point of sale units include touchscreen, fast credit card authorizations, and commission tracking.
  • Warranty includes next business day replacement unit.